Monday, March 5, 2012

Wolf Hunting-


The techniques of each article were kind of the same. Both sites wrote a little about why they should hunt and why they should not hunt, but then as you read more deeply into the article you can tell what side they are really on.  It seems to me everyone is kind of on a fence, or they are worried they might offend someone.  They know there is a problem and they know it needs to be corrected, but they do not want to be cruel to wolves and kill them.  In one site, they feel wolves should be hunted due to the decrease in the elk, beaver, rabbit and deer population.  Also the Ranchers are having trouble with the wolves killing their livestock. The Wolves are migrating closer and closer to civilization and moving closer to the towns.

     Then on the other site, we do not want to be cruel to the wolves and hunt them at night, which is when they are more active, because that would be cruel. These people feel that there should be a better way than hunting or killing them.  They did not seem to voice any ideas on what that would be.  Or bring up the financial aspect of it.

    The tone of the opposing side is kind of sad, and pulling at your heart strings.  They use the cruelty aspect of it a lot, and seem to feel bad for the wolves. I understand that they do not want the wolves to go extinct again.  The other side seems to think it would be better for the conservation of wild life and it would really help the ranchers, so they can survive this outbreak. There tone is sterner, these are the fact and something needs to be done about it.

  I think that the Ranchers and Fish and Wildlife are more convincing then the opposing side.   The reason I feel that way, is because they seem to have more written documentation.  Fish and Wildlife Department have been tracking the numbers and migration movements of deer, beavers, and elk for years. They know that the numbers have been declining for the past few years, and they know that the wolf population has been on the rise for the past few years.  They also know how much the average wolf eats in a month to survive, when you do the math, there is the proof for me. 

word count 405

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