Saturday, March 17, 2012


The first fallacy I noticed was the Hasty generalization fallacy. He made the statement that illegal Immigrants are diseased, rapist, drunks that act with immoral behavior.  And, that is not true. He is stereotyping immigrants. We as intelligent people know that disease is not dependent on the race. We as Americans, have disease among us as well.  I am sure that third world countries, such as Mexico, do have more disease in them. Not because of who they are, but because of the lack of medical treatment available to the people. Simply, all races have rapist, drunks and disease.

   The next fallacy I noticed was the Post hoc fallacy.  He wanted us to believe that because we have allowed illegal immigrants in the United States that is why we have had leprosy.  He then followed up with some grafts that showed a study. He wanted us to feel that that the action of letting the immigrants in has then caused the leprosy being brought here.  When actually, the graft he showed, was not from a reputable source or based on actual studies. Once we were given some accurate information that has been investigated by the reputable show Sixty Minutes. We find out that there were only 7000 cases of leprosy in the United States over the last thirty years.  We also found out that out of those cases, they are not sure of how many, or if any were immigrants. When in all actuality, one has nothing to do with the other.

    The last fallacy I noticed was the Appeal to Authority fallacy. Again, the so called expert showed small chopped up clips that showed political icons using some of the same verbage he was using such as immigrants, and leprosy.  He wanted the people to think, that because the reputable politicians were talking about the subject(s) that they are blaming the immigrants for the leprosy. Although, the politicians are not experts on disease or leprosy study, he wanted us to believe them, because of who they are.

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