Monday, March 12, 2012

This is one of the Montana Fish and Wildlife sites that show nothing but facts, and results from the research studies, done over the last thirty years, which I think is very important. Research over the last thirty years should give us a nice rounded picture of where we were and where we are at now. This site will show the continued rising numbers of the wolf packs, and where they are located, and how far they travel. It also has a lot of important information on the history of the wolves in Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming. It gives us some good background information on the numbers and locations when they were re-introduced.

This is another site that is packed full of information and data that has been collected over the past 10 years or so. Although, this site is mainly based on the large game numbers and how the deer and elk population has decreased, as the wolf population has increased. It discusses each individual district in the state .It gives some good numbers that show when the wolves move in the big game numbers go down.  It gives a good idea of the amount of big game the average wolf will consume to survive the winter months.  I think this is a good article, due to the fact that it factors in the other animals that take the big game population down as well. It has a lot about the bear and mountain lion population and that increased growth as well.

Friends of the Clearwater, is a group that is working towards keeping the wolves on the endangered list.

This group is one of the handfuls of environmental groups that are fighting the federal government for the way the wolves were delisted then relisted then delisted this last time.  They do not feel that the way the wolves were delisted this last time was fair or legal, since the wolves were only delisted in the states of Idaho and Montana but not in Wyoming.  I understand there is a legal battle here, they are fighting for.  What I do not like about this article is that they are name calling. They are calling hunters killers. And they feel that people, who hunt, do so out of anger. I think that that they would get there point across better, if they would stick to the facts.

Defenders of Wildlife are another one of the groups that is working to protect the wolves. I really like the way this group presents there side of it.  They go about it by reporting the facts and showing the research they have collected.  Their position is that wolves are not the only predator that is killing the livestock and big game throughout the state. However they are focused mainly on the livestock portion of the battle. They also give some good information on the wolf species. They educate us on the population, life span, how far they migrate, behavior and the reproduction. Which all is very important, so you can get the full picture, of what you are dealing with.

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