Sunday, January 22, 2012

I think that google docs could be very helpful, in the orginazation aspect of things. I work at Kalispell Regional Medical center, as a Surgery Scheduler. Part of my job is taking minutes at meeting. I go to the meetings and take notes on each subject they talk about and the discussion of , and  what they decide to do about it and who will be doing it. After the meeting I write up the minutes and make copies for the OR Charge Nurse and the OR Manager. They then look at the minutes and edit if needed. The document then comes back to me again to make more changes on. It is a long process, it would be much easier if we were all set up on google docs. That way we would all be on the same page all the time.
          The other way google docs could help me is also at work. With the new Surgical Tower being built, I am consistantly making list of new surgical equipment, light, booms, surgical tables, and instruments we will be purchasing for the new OR.  Each week we have a different Rep coming in with there machines for the Surgons to try. The Surgons then fill out an evaluation on the equipment or instruments. I then compile those evaluations into spread sheets. From those spread sheets the OR Manager and the OR Director decide what they plan to order and put in the new OR. My Spread sheets are always being updated and revised. It would be nice if we could all see it, revise it, and view it anytime they want.

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