Monday, January 30, 2012

Have you ever 3 of 3

Have you ever had a job you loved? I have and it is the greatest way to spend your time when you are away from your family. My Son was born in 1994, and passed in 1995. For eleven months I sat next to his bed in the NICU unit @ UC Davis Medical Center in Sacramento California. There i watched the nurses help there very small, very sick patients. I watched them work long hours and they loved what they were doing. The babies were not there only patients, the families needed them and depended on them just as much. As i watched theses nurses I could tell they loved what they were doing every minute of it. You can tell when someone loves there job and when someone is just doing it to bring home the pay. That's when i decided that someday i wanted to do something i loved and it would be great if i could help people in the process. So in 1995 i turned my heartache into something special that i loved. I signed up to take the EMT program through Shasta College for a semester. I really had no idea what i was getting myself into. I was one of those people who never liked blood and guts.
  Four months later i took the state exam and practical exam, passed with flying colors. I was now ready to find a job.  I drove down to the local ambulance company there in our home town of Willows. At that time it was ran by Mountain EMS. To my surprise they hired me on the spot. They liked the fact that i was fresh out of school. That way i had no bad habits they needed to break me of.
  I remember my first shift. I pulled up to the quarters and went in to introduce myself, i was there no more then 10 minutes and the pager went off. Unit 51 Medical aid Code Blue.That was us. My heart sank in my chest, I got cold sweats and started to tremble. What are the odds, my very first call  and it was a full arrest. I just kind of stood there frozen, when my partner Steve said well lets go, jump in and hold on. I climbed in the unit, put my seat belt on and away we went. Steve hit the siren and the lights. Again my heart started pounding in my chest. The lights were strobbing and the siren was whaling, and we were swerving in and out of traffic. We pulled up on scene and the family ran out to us begging for help. I would of been sad, if i was not so terrified of the unknown. We went inside and the lady was obviously gone, she had been dead for a while. At that point the elderly woman was not our patient her family was. We worked the code until they could accept the death of there Mother. It worked out for me, because i had no idea what to do. My Partner just kept telling me A,B, C's Nichole, just do your A,B,C's. So that's what i did. Airway, checked for breathing and Circulation. Then I started CPR, and I continued CPR until the family was ready for us to stop. When we left the scene, I felt so good inside. Not because we saved the patient, because we did not. But we helped the family through one of the hardest days of there lives and tried to make it more bearable for them to get through. When we left they knew all was done that could be done and they put that into action. 
  As weird as it sounds while we were driving away from that call i had the biggest smile on my face and it stayed there for the next eight years.Everyday when i would get off shift, i would be excited to come back the next day. That job was never boring, never the same old thing. It was the most rewarding feeling i have ever had in a job and I can not wait to find it again some day.


  1. This article interests me as finding a career that remains interesting is a life essential. It seems that I beat myself up every day as I struggle to pinpoint where I need to be and what I need to do, mostly to give myself a prosperous future (not wealthy, but that'd be nice). It's inspiring to hear you tell that you accomplished exactly this. I imagine it was stressful at times? Yet very rewarding as well. Your article was further inspiration that I can be happy to go to work every day

  2. I find love the fact you went for it and got your EMT to help people. I was a Firefighter/EMT-b in Jackson Hole,WY when i lived there. It was volunteer service, but still had a good time knowing i was there to help the public. Really no questions just would love to hear more stories... but then that would make your writing extra long. You seem to have a personal writing style, write about your life things you know, I am the same way.
