Monday, April 23, 2012

This article is a great source, it give us some good back ground information on the types of fish that use to be in the lake prior to the lake trout infestation. It contains the depths, and temperatures of the lake, talks about the native fish and the natural reproduction system of the lake. I think I will use it as a tool to back up some of facts that I am going to put in my report. This is also the first article that talks about the oxygen in the lake and the depths the oxygen is at.
Lakes of Flathead County
Retrived from

This is the demographics of Flathead Lake and the history of the Lake. This is more of facts rather than stories. I will use this article because it gives me a lot of facts about the body of water itself. It gives me the history of the name” Flathead”, depths of the water, width and length of the lake. I will be using this information, because I believe will be important to the readers to have some information about the lake in which we are fishing,

Alt, David. "The Making of Flathead Lake" in Profiles of Montana Geology: A layman's guide to the Treasure State. Butte, MT: Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology, 1984
The role of benthic invertebrate species in freshwater ecosystems.

This article contains detailed information about the nutrient cycling of the lake as a freshwater source. The freshwater  supply depends on how various species make their living and contribute to complex food webs. It uses graphs that show the years of “build up” on the floor of a freshwater source and how it affects the micro species of the lake like the zooplankton which the Mysis feed off of.
This information is not so interesting by itself, but it helps me to understand why the Mysis shrimp thrive on the bottom of the lake the way they do, which in turn is a result to the Lake Trout.

Covich, Alan P; Palmer, Margaret A; Crowl, Todd The role of benthic invertebrate species in freshwater ecosystems A.Bioscience 49. 2 (Feb 1999): 119-127.
 Beyond Mere Ownership

This is a very short article, but it tells explains how the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes received the right to manage the wildlife and fish resources around Flathead Lake. That explains why they are making the decisions on the fish of Flathead Lake, and why it is so important to get the native fish back into the water.

Williams, Jason."Beyond Mere Ownership: How the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes used Regulatory Control Over Natural Resources to Establish a Viable Tribal Homeland."2004. Environmental History 9(4):786-786 (
Mack Days

This is the best source I have on my subject, and the most interesting one to read as well.
This article is an overview of the entire subject. It tells the reason for Mac Days, what has caused the problem and gives you the guidelines for the fishing derby. It also gives me an updated tally of the fish caught. There are lots of maps, to show the depth of the lake and the access sited, along with the Reservation cut off line. The Guide to the contest is in here. As long as you follow the guide you will have an equal chance of catching the biggest and most lake trout.

Barry Hansen, CSKT Fisheries Biologist, Confederated Salish Kootenai Tribe 2012

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