Sunday, February 12, 2012

         Telling Prompt:
It was a friendly dog

         Showing Example:

The dog, Toeketna was laying on the front porch, waiting for someone to walk up the sidewalk. Along came David, the neighbors boy, who was there to return some mail.  As David turned onto the sidewalk, the dog jumped up and started to wiggling his tail and jump sideways with excitement. David knew the dog wanted to play, so he bent down and grabbed a stick to throw as hard as he could for the dog to retrieve. Toeketna ran, jumping and leaping through the air to get the stick, as though she had to get it before someone or something would beat her to it.  She picked up the stick with her mouth, and ran wagging her tail, with her head held high, all the way back to the boy. Dropping it at Davids feet and ready to go again.